GMH Gruppe
Welcome to Germany’s
green steel manufacturer

Steel is the backbone of modern industrial societies –
and a key component of the successful transition to a green economy
For more than 25 years, we have been producing our steel in the most sustainable way possible: in electric arc furnaces, from almost 100 percent scrap metal. We protect the climate by saving the equivalent of over one million metric tons of CO2 emissions every year, and by helping customers in a wide range of markets to significantly reduce their own carbon footprint – giving them a significant competitive advantage in tomorrow’s marketplace. Our business focuses on the following segments Circular Economy, Green Steel and Heavy Forging.
80 %
lower CO2 emissions
~100 %
recycled material
0.4 t
CO2 per tonne of steel
by 2039
we will reach net zero
production sites
countries in which we are active
>2 bn. €
annual turnover
Customized solutions
for tomorrow’s green economy

Whether we are supplying engineering steels for automotive applications, high-quality materials for wind turbines, or special steels and components for ships, aircraft and rolling stock, you can be sure of outstanding quality and solutions that are individually tailored to your needs and closely aligned with the megatrends of our time.
Green Steel
Green steel from GMH Gruppe:
the right decision
80 % lower
CO2 emissions
Thanks to our electric arc furnaces and the use of scrap metal as a raw material, our steel currently produces around 80 percent less CO2 than conventionally produced steel. And we are taking steps to reduce emissions even further in the future.

Climate-neutral by 2039
We are already the most sustainable steel company in Germany – and we have a clear roadmap for how we can become even more sustainable. With our unique expertise, state-of-the-art technology and passion for sustainability, we will reduce our emissions by a further 50 percent by 2030. And this is just the start: By investing in renewable energies and closed-loop manufacturing, as well as continuously searching for new, innovative ideas, we intend to become completely climate-neutral by 2039
Green electricity. Green carbon.
Green hydrogen.

We have already started to steadily increase the proportion of green electricity we use, by generating it in-house and buying it from certified third parties. In addition, since 2023 we have gradually been replacing the coal used in our steel production process with biogenic carbon. These two measures will enable us to reduce our emissions from 0.4 to just 0.05 metric tons of CO2 per metric ton of crude steel. The use of green hydrogen offers further potential for the future.
Green Steel product lines
Three product lines, one goal: to cut CO2 emissions
Use our
Green Steel Calculator
The green steel in all our product lines is produced from almost 100 percent scrap metal in our electric furnaces.
In addition, our Green Power Steel is made using 100 percent renewable electricity.
Green Power Premium Steel also uses 100 percent biogenic carbon.
Scope 1: direct emissions from plant / production process
Scope 2: indirect emissions from purchased electricity
*CO2 emissions relate to volume of crude steel produced (continuously cast)

Use our
Green Steel Calculator

How much steel do you need per year?
CO2-emissions saved*
(Scopes 1+2)
8.624 metric tons
Crude steel compared with traditional blast furnace
Money saved in carbon credits
GMH Gruppe premise: 100€/metric ton
Want to save even more? Switch between our three product lines.
Our products

Everything you need to succeed – from a single source: High-quality steel products with a future
Our product segments are as individual as your requirements
From primary materials through to ready-to-install components, from idea to innovation, we deliver results that precisely meet your requirements. We manufacture many of our products as green steel in our electric arc furnaces – emitting 80 percent less CO2 than conventional blast furnaces.